The main focus in my work is about classical geometry. Its basic shapes and their relationship to surfaces in a limited range of colors. It makes references to historical aesthetics, which range from Modernism / Functionalism to the Greco-Roman or ancient Mexican cultures. I usually work with old technology instructions and academic / specialized publications. Through these principles, my work attempts to create a sense of "static movements" that aims to bring particular everyday situations back to life.

Over time I have worked as an art director on different projects for the National Autonomous University of Mexico in a diverse range of events and museums like exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art and Museum of Science and Art, as well as for their International Film Festival. Within the scope of cultural institutions and museums, I have also developed projects for Carrillo Gil Art Museum, WIELS Brussels and the Walker Art Center, among others. Most of my work, however, has been developed within the framework of editorial projects and music, including festivals and record labels. I've done artwork for labels such as 4AD, Denovali, Ghostly Int., EMI, Sony Music and Thrill Jockey, to name a few. I have also designed for instrument brands like Make Noise Synthesizers and the global campaigns for the electronic music festival MUTEK. In the editorial field, I have developed books and magazines related to art, film, and travel.


In addition to my visual work, I own Umor Rex, a record label which I founded in 2006. Umor Rex has been, in all human and artistic aspects, an extraordinary and generous platform. It holds a rewarding balance between music curatorship and art direction, and it serves the very important purpose of talent disclosure and publication. The label hosts a wide range of sounds —from eerie electronic to avant-garde and other forms of experimental music. Umor Rex has more than 150 releases so far. To take a look of the artworks I do for my record label please visit the Umor Rex website here.

• In 2021, I founded in partnership the Mexico City based design studio Castrejón—Rocha.
• Editorial/Art/Object project An Hour is Not Merely and Hour.

Umor Rex: